Timeline of Apeiros
A brief history...
In the era when Apeiros was in its prime, it flourished as an advanced civilization for eons. Calamity struck the planet, leaving the ecosystem in steep decline over the centuries. By an extreme act of fate, the remaining population is rescued by a visiting off-world species to the doomed planet and effectively migrating the survivors to the nearby moon colony of New Albyion.
Where we are today
Now a few millennia into the future, the power, influence, and population of Apeiros' prime civilization has dwindled greatly. Apeiros has now become a staging ground for cosmic explorers seeking to plunder its remaining mineral rich elements and other powerful relics that have stood the test of time. No matter how dangerous.
Things begin to escalate when the controlling entities begin to line up against each other for a final showdown that will change the future of New Albyion and the world Apeiros.